Solar Services

Battery Energy Storage

In the rapidly evolving world of renewable energy, having a robust battery system is more than an asset; it's a necessity for forward-thinking businesses. The Solar Roofers brings to the forefront advanced battery solutions, integral to harnessing the full potential of solar energy. The state-of-the-art batteries we install are designed to empower your business, ensuring not just energy efficiency but also reliability and sustainability.

Why Do You Need
Energy Storage?

Integrating seamlessly with solar panels, batteries optimize energy usage by storing excess solar power generated during peak sunlight hours. This stored energy is then readily available for use during times when solar energy generation is lower, such as evenings or cloudy days, ensuring a consistent energy supply. Managing your energy costs becomes more predictable and efficient. Businesses can significantly reduce their reliance on grid-supplied electricity, especially during peak tariff hours. This not only leads to substantial cost savings but also shields your business from unpredictable energy price hikes.

How Energy Storage works

Energy storage solutions help to maximize the performance of solar systems, allowing businesses to optimize their investment to get the best ROI possible for multi-decade energy strategies.

Icon of a battery with a leaf emblem on it
Electric Loads

If electricity isn’t stored, it has to be used at the moment it’s generated, either by the business or the grid. Energy storage allows surplus generation to be banked for peak-use or during the night when a solar system isn’t producing energy.

Icon of renewable energy
Filling In The Gaps

Short-term solar energy storage allows for consistent energy flow during brief disruptions caused by dips in solar performance from weather, system maintenance, or when energy grids experience interruptions.

Energy Resilience

The energy grid is vulnerable to disruptions and outages due to anything from accidents to severe weather like hurricanes. Solar energy storage creates a protective bubble during disruptive events by decentralizing sources of energy.

Icon of the world with a lightning bolt next to it
Carbon Footprint Reduction

With more control over the amount of solar energy you use, battery storage can reduce your business’s carbon footprint in areas with fossil fuel-based utility power or on-site generators.

Here in Tennessee, we do not have the best options for net metering to help even out solar production and utility usage for homeowners who install a solar system. This means that energy bill savings suffer as a result. This makes energy storage that much more crucial for effective solar solutions for homeowners in the Nashville area.

How is Solar Energy Stored Using Batteries?

When your solar system overproduces energy during the day, it is ideal to capture it for use later, rather than selling it back to the utility company at a fraction of what you pay when you buy power from them. Your excess energy charges your home battery system, which your home then uses in the evening and at night when solar production has slowed or stopped entirely. This dramatically improves the financial performance of your solar system.

Benefits of Energy Storage

Energy storage solutions help to maximize the performance of solar systems, allowing Tennessee homeowners to have energy independence without having to rely on net metering or buying electricity from the grid at night.

Icon of a battery with a leaf emblem on it
Balancing Electric Loads

If electricity isn’t stored, it has to be used at the moment it’s generated, either by the home itself or the grid. Energy storage allows surplus generation to be banked for later use during the night when a solar system isn’t producing energy.

Icon of renewable energy
Filling In The Gaps

Short-term solar energy storage allows for consistent energy flow to your home during brief disruptions caused by dips in solar performance from weather, system maintenance, or when energy grids experience interruptions.

Energy Resilience

The energy grid is vulnerable to disruptions and outages due to anything from accidents to severe weather like tornadoes. Solar energy storage creates a protective bubble during disruptive events by providing your home wiht a source of backup power.

Icon of the world with a lightning bolt next to it
Carbon Footprint Reduction

With more control over the amount of solar energy you use, battery storage can reduce your home's carbon footprint in areas with fossil fuel-based utility power or from using home generator systems.

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