About The Solar Roofers

At the core of our mission, we believe in empowering homes and businesses with the freedom and security that come with solar energy. By navigating you through the entire process, from initial consultation to the final installation, we aim to demystify solar energy, making it accessible and understandable. We see solar power not just as energy generation, but as a path to energy security—providing a reliable, sustainable power source that stands resilient against uncertainties.

Our commitment to this vision drives us to deliver solutions that are not only efficient and effective but also tailor-made to meet the unique energy needs and aspirations of each client. Through our dedication, we're not just installing solar systems; we're fostering a future where energy independence is a reality for all.


The Metal Roofers

As the area’s leading metal roofing contractor, we pride ourselves on offering the absolute best roofing services that money can buy. We are a full-service roofing solutions company dedicated to serving our customers.

The Solar Roofers

Our experience in solar system design and installation, we are able to provide expert engineer-grade energy solutions. Our team has installed systems of every size, from homes up to multi-megawatt grid-scale projects.

What Sets Us Apart?

Most solar companies fall short on servicing the roofing portion necessary for a successful solar system installation, causing businesses and homeowners to have to work with additional contractors and add costly delays to their energy projects. They also often void roofing warranties when installing a solar system. The Solar Roofers avoid all of these problems by streamlining the solar and roofing process in one cohesive design and implementation.

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Incentives Assistance

Navigating the incentive landscape can be difficult and confusing, and most businesses and homes often leave money on the table without being aware of it. We work to get you everything you qualify for.

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Seamless Roofing and Solar

Because we are experts in both roofing and solar, we can combine these into one project, simplifying financing and installation timelines. Maximize your energy savings and get a combined system that lasts decades.

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Engineering Quality

Many solar companies use external solutions to design their solar systems for customers. Our team builds our designs from the ground up in-house with our own engineers, which ensures a true expert touch to our work.